Images (PNG):
- Blocks: 88×88 pixels and @2x
- 3 options in purple
- 3 options in green
- Particles (for use in physics effects, like when a block is smashed)
- 4 options: green, purple, black, and white
- Wall tiles: 100×100 pixels and @2x
- glowy blue bars
- black bars
- cracked/broken
- Platform: 88×88 pixels and @2x
- 3 sprites for optional animation
- Bombs: 146×152 pixels and @2x
- red and blue versions
- Powerups: 66×66 pixels and @2x – all include a 6-sprite spinning animation
- Blue glowy version
- Yellow glowy version
- Grey version
- Transparent ring version
- 2 Illustrator (.ai) files