Green Leaf Beetle Game Character
Top-down animation of a green leaf beetle game character to crawl or fly across your game!
Five sprites, forming a crawling or flying animation. Use sprites 1-3 for crawling, or all 5 for flying.
Check out a GIF of the beetle in motion, or get some more bugs for him to crawl around with!
Sprites are given in a size that should be big enough for iPad retina. Two versions of the sprites are given; with and without the drop shadow.
Also included: a 1024×1024 pixel icon-ready image.
Images (PNG):
- Walking or flying animation: two sets of 5 sprites (with drop shadow and without), 162×200 pixels – this should be large enough for iPad retina sizes
- One icon-ready image: 1024×1024 pixels
- 1 Illustrator (.ai) file
- 1 SVG file