Bonus Items


Every game maker needs this bonus item set in their repertoire! You’ll get a great set of basics like stars, hearts, coins, and gems, along with some customizable objects. And of course, you need a question mark block to complete any platformer game worth its salt! :]

  • Star
  • Heart
  • Coin (for animated spinning coins check out the Ultimate Rotating Coin Pack)
  • Gems: blue, red, and green, for all your jewel-mining needs
  • Health block
  • Tank: put a grey letter on top to customize it
  • Sphere: another customizable object – put a blue letter on it (or 50% transparent black works too)
  • Question block – slightly different in style than the rest, to fit better with the other world-building blocks in the other platformer sets.

Images provided in 400×400 pixels – resize for your game as needed! Get the vectors if you need larger sizes or the ability to change colors.

NOTE: This Bonus Items set is free with the purchase of any (non-free) platformer world set – so check those out for a bargain!

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