Images (PNG):
- Blocks: all 64×64 pixels and @2x
- Stone: 2 normal, 2 cracked
- Grass: left, right, and three middle versions
- Dirt: three versions, one hole
- Special bear blocks: body, head, and fire-breathing head
- UI – all in increments of 64×64 pixels and @2x
- Icon Blocks: play, pause, undo, heart
- Blank Blocks: single block, double block, six-width block, and stretchable block
- heart icon for layering over blank blocks
- lifebar: front and back
- Objects: all fit within 64×64 pixels and @2x
- spikes
- gem
- mushroom
- fireball (4 sprite animation)
- Bonus backgrounds!
- horizontal repeating background: 1200×800 pixels
- vertical repeating background: 800×1200 pixels
- Text file with notes on stretchable UI tile end caps and text color/shadow/font suggestions
- Bonus Items: Ten 400×400 pixel images
- Illustrator (.ai) file
- 35 SVG files
- Bonus items: an Illustrator (.ai) file, and 10 SVG files