Woodland Platformer World Set


Build your platformer games with this woodland-themed platformer block and object set! Plus, two awesome bonuses – see below :]

  • Blocks for grass, dirt, and stone, with several variations for each
  • Objects to avoid and collect like spikes, a gem, a flower, and a mushroom
  • A special bear block set to hide in the ground or walls and breathe fire!
  • Fireball with 4-sprite animation
  • User Interface components like blank blocks (one stretchable), icon blocks, and a life bar.

You also get a Notes text document with color and font suggestions, as well as the end cap information for the stretchable UI block.

The vectors for this pack are provided in both an Adobe Illustrator .ai file and separate SVG files.

BONUS: To help you get started quickly, you also get two FREE repeatable backgrounds! One repeats vertically and one repeats horizontally. PNG only, 1200×800 and 800×1200 pixels.

EXTRA BONUS: The Bonus Items pack comes FREE with this platformer world set. A $5-$9 value depending on if you get images or vectors!

That should give you almost everything you need to get your platformer game up and running :] Just add some characters!
